Capital Development Authority operates under its standard procedures. The procedures listed below are the most frequently requested. However, this is not intended to be a complete list of operating procedures. These procedures are provided for informational purposes only.
CDA reserves the right to modify or replace a posted procedure or policy at any time without notice. If you do not find any procedure here, please

Application addressed to Director Municipal Administration, CDA Islamabad.

  • NIC Copy of allottee (s) 4 Nos.
  • Copy of allotment letter

Contractors/ Firms are registered in CDA through Directorate General Works. Following are the required documents :

For further inquiry Please contact at 051-9215376

Projects are as a first step, advertised in major newspapers of the country with the appropriate heading, depending on their nature. Tender notices and pre-qualification notices are dealt with via their respective directorates, indicated at the end of each advertisement. The projects that the PMO is responsible for have a different procedure.

Depending on the nature, size and scope of the project, an advertisement for an Expression of Interest (EOI) is placed in the newspaper. Usually an EOI form prepared by the CDA is uploaded on to the CDA website with prospective developers required to download the form and fill it out as necessary. This stage of the process is relatively uncomplicated and straightforward, mainly serving as an indicator to evaluators in the CDA as to the experience and expertise of prospective developers.

Responses to the EOI are then evaluated, with qualified parties advancing to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) stage where they are provided with the RFQ document, outlining specific project-related requirements which they are then required to satisfy. After prospective developers submit RFQs, they are then evaluated again and the evaluated proposers are provided with a Request for Proposal document. This document is very precise and detailed, requiring specific Technical and Financial details of the project. Finally, after the RFPs have been evaluated, one developer is chosen and a contract is entered into, depending on the nature and scope of the venture.

  • Download the related form here
  • Affidavit
  • Copy of NIC of the applicant
  • Copy of lease/rent agreement/ownership proof

  • Download the related form here
  • Affidavit
  • Copy of NIC of the applicant
  • Copy of lease/rent agreement/ownership proof

Depending on the nature, size and scope of the assignment, a generic life-cycle can:

  • EOI
  • Evaluation
  • Request for qualification (RFQ)
  • Evaluation
  • Request for proposal (RFP)
  • Award of Contract


Capital Development Authority operates under its standard procedures. The procedures listed below are the most frequently requested. However, this is not intended to be a complete list of operating procedures. These procedures are provided for informational purposes only.
CDA reserves the right to modify or replace a posted procedure or policy at any time without notice. If you do not find any procedure here, please

  • Photocopy of forms A1, and A2 (with one photocopy) and 6 copies of building plans (Architectural & Structural)
  • Estate management forwarding letter indicating receipt of appropriate scrutiny fee @ Rs.3/- per sq. ft
  • For Commercial Rs.10/- per sq. ft.
  • Copy of N.I.Card of Allottee or Transferee or Attorney as the case may be duly attested.
  • Copy of Allotment Letter or Transfer Letter duly attested.
  • Copy of Possession Certificate. Copy of sub-division of plot, if applicable duly attested.
  • Indemnity Bound from the Allottee duly attested from Notary Public on Rs.30/-
  • Soundness and stability certificate by the Engineer.
  • Calculation Book.

Application can be made on Form B1, B2 duly signed by the allottee/attorney.

Approved architect and structural engineer after validation from Architecture Directorate, CDA at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA along with the following documents.

  • Photocopy of Form B1, and B2 along with 6 copies of the completion plan as per actual construction at the site.
  • Estate Management dues clearance. Copy of N.I.C of Allottee or Transferee or Attorney as the case may be.
  • Dues clearance from Revenue Directorate.
  • CDA Completion Scrutiny Fee as per rates of approval of building plans.
  • Proof of payment of Withholding Tax for non-residential plots.

Availing the facilities at Capital Hospital is easy by showing a medical card/ computerized card by CDA Employees and their dependents which makes them entitled to all medical facilities and by getting an outdoor ticket for Rs. 10/- for outdoor consultations in all departments. However, patients who are not CDA Employees have to pay for indoor and investigative services.

Application addressed to Director Municipal Administration, CDA Islamabad.

  • NIC Copy of allottee (s) 4 Nos.
  • Copy of allotment letter

Following information is required for the issuance of a Birth Certificate :

  • Full Name of Father and Photo Copy of National Identity Card No.
  • Name of Child
  • Sex of the Child either Male or Female
  • Place of Birth, Date and Hour
  • Name of Hospital/Clinic and Doctor/midwife who attended the delivery (attested photo copy required)
  • Name and address of Mother and her National Identity Card No. or Nationality, Religion, Caste and Nationality of the Father
  • Place of Residence and address of Father
  • Occupation/Profession of the Father.
  • Name and Address of the Person Making Report.
  • Date of Report

Download the related form here

Following documents are required for the issuance of the Death Certificate:

  • Name and Surname of the Deceased and his/her nationality.
  • Name of Husband/Father/Mother Occupation/Profession of the Deceased
  • Address of the Deceased
  • Religion, Sex and Caste of the Deceased
  • Date, time and cause of death
  • Age of Deceased
  • Name and Address of the Person Making Report.
  • Date of Report

Download the related form here

Following documents are required for the transfer of the plot/ property.

Prescribed transfer application is to be filled by both parties and duly attested by the 1st Class officer and in the case of Oustee attestation (counter signature) of the First Class Magistrate is also essential.

  • Transfer fee as per prescribed rate in the shape of Pay Order.
  • Original allotment/offer letter.
  • NIC copy of the allottee (s)/ Attorney and Transfree(s) (attested) NIC copy of attesting officer.
  • Three specimen signatures/thumb impression of allottee (s)/ Attorney. (attested) Photograph of both parties.
  • Indemnity bond by both parties on Rs. 30/- Judicial Stamp Paper duly registered with Notary Public/Oath Commissioner and countersigned by 1st Class Magistrate with an additional Indemnity Bond in case of Oustee of Village Sheikhpur.
  • NOC from Revenue, the vacant plot is exempted.
  • NOC from Building Control Section, CDA for non-conforming use of the property.
  • Original attorney along with CDA acceptance letter. Affidavit by an attorney regarding aliveness of allottee & operative of attorney.
  • Original Agreement with CDA along with permission to mortgage letter by CDA if executed.
  • NOC from loan-giving agency.
  • Special power of attorney duly attested by the embassy of Pakistan/ High Commission/ Consulate in case of proposed transferee is abroad along with attested copies of Passport and NICs.
  • NIC copies of witness Affidavit by allottee/attorney for duplicate NIC and difference of signature duly attested by Notary Public or Oath Commissioner and countersigned by 1st Class Magistrate.
  • In the case of a female allottee accompany accompanied by a blood relation with documentary proof to identify the allottee.
  • In the case of plots allotted by CDA to Oustee of Islamabad an affidavit prescribed by CDA duly attested by Notary Public/Oath Commissioner and Counter signed by 1st Class Magistrate. In the case of Government Servant NOC from his department
  • Check List for Transfer of Property

The allottee can apply for transfer of property at the Front Office One Window Operation, CDA through acknowledgement of Oral Gift on stamp paper worth Rs.5/- duly attested by 1st class Magistrate along with the following documents:

  • Original allotment letter to be surrendered.
  • Property Tax Clearance Certificate from Revenue Directorate.
  • CDA Indemnity Bonds (Transferee/Allottee).
  • Photocopies of N.I.C (attested).
  • Statement recorded before concerned Deputy Director and duly stamped by him with his official seal. NOC from Building Control Section (BCS), CDA. Bank Draft of Rs.3000/- or Rs.5000/- as the case may be.
  • Photocopies of NICs of two witnesses (attested)

Download the related form here

An application by any of the legal heirs can be made at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA addressed to the Director Estate Management, CDA regarding the change of title of the plot/house in the name of legal heirs along with the following documents:

  • Attested copy of Death Certificate issued by CDA or local body.
  • Affidavit regarding the factum of death and deposing the detail of the legal heirs and parents of the deceased whether they are alive or died and in case died whether pre-deceased or otherwise duly attested by Notary Public and countersigned by Class-I Magistrate.
  • Attested copies of N.I.C. of all the legal heirs.
  • Form "B" in the case of Minors.
  • Pay Order of amounting to Rs.5000/- (Residential) or 10,000/- (Commercial).
  • Original allotment/transfer letter of the subject plot/house.
  • Original Release Deed in case some of the legal heirs want to release/surrender their share in favour of one or more legal heirs, duly registered in the Court.
  • Photocopy of NIC of Witness
  • NOC from Revenue Directorate, CDA regarding Property Tax.
  • NOC from Building Control Section (BCS), CDA regarding confirming use of the house/property and non-violation of Building & Zoning Regulation.
  • Copies of Public Notice (provided by CDA) appeared in two daily leadings News Paper having vast circulations.
  • Clearance of dues.
  • Advertisements in two leading news papers.
  • Indemnity Bond from legal heirs.

An application can be made at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA addressed to the Director Estate Management, CDA regarding the change of title of the property through the sale deed along with the following documents.

  • Original Sale Deed along with one attested photocopy
  • Original allotment/transfer letter
  • Attested copy of NIC
  • Two (2) attested photographs & 3 (three) specimen signatures of the purchaser.
  • Pay Order/Demand Draft for Rs. 7,500/- for residential and Rs.10,000/- for Commercial in favor of CDA.
  • NOC from B.C.S regarding non-conforming use and non-violation of Building and Zoning Regulations.
  • NOC/Property Tax Clearance Certificate from Revenue Directorate, CDA.

An application can be made by the allottee at the Front Office, One Window Operation in the name of Director Estate Management, CDA for issuance of C.T.C along with the following documents:

  • F.I.R Police Station.
  • Indemnity Bond only attested by 1st Class Magistrate for Rs. 30/-
  • Photocopy of N.I.C duly attested.
  • Affidavit duly attested by 1st Class Magistrate.
  • Pay Order of Rs. 1,000/- as a process fee.
  • Attested Photograph of Allottee
  • The Allottee record statement in the presence of the concerned Deputy Director

Download the related form here

Following documents are required for granting permission for the mortgage of a property:

  • In case of plot: Execute an agreement with CDA.
    • Copy of Site Plan (provided by CDA). Application for permission to assign addressing Director Estate Management, CDA.
  • In the case of houses and other built-up properties:
    • Execute Conveyance Deed or Lease Dead with CDA.
    • The cost of Stamp Papers will be at the rate of Rs.40/- per thousand at the original price of the plot and in the case of Commercial, and Industrial Plots in addition to the cost of the plot plus annual ground rent paid and ten-year advance.
    • Note: There are two days for the execution of Agreement and Conveyance Deed

  • Application by allottee/ attorney.
  • Copy of allotment letter duly attested
  • Copy of NIC of allottee/ attorney duly attested
  • Pay Order for Rs.1,000/- for the first and Rs.2,000/- for the second

  • Court decision certified copy
  • NIC copy of the applicant

  • Attested copy of allotment letter (original shall be surrendered after approval of sub-division)
  • Four copies of the sub-division Plan/sketch duly signed by all the allottees and the Architect
  • NOC from Revenue Directorate, CDA
  • Pay Order in favour of CDA @ Rs.75/- per sq. yd

Download the related form here

If an allottee wants to change his/her name, the allottee will have to apply at the O.W.O Directorate with the following documents

  • Attested copy of allotment/transfer letter.
  • Attested copy of present and previous NIC.
  • Attested copy of ‘Nikah Nama’ (in case of married lady)
  • An affidavit as per specimen
  • Press Clipping of Notice published in the newspaper
  • Attested copy of matriculation certificate
  • Attested copy of passport if available.
  • Any other documents supporting for change of name

Download the related form here

The OWO Directorate shall forward the application to the concerned Deputy Director of EM-I or EM-II Directorate, CDA Deputy Director shall forward the case to the Law Directorate for Legal Opinion/advice. the Law Directorate may further refer the case to the Security/ Inquiry Directorate CDA for investigation/verification if there is any doubt or suspicion. After verification and legal opinion, the change of name will be notified with the approval of the Director Estate Management-I.

An allottee or his authorized person can apply at the One Window Operation counter or through mail to find the outstanding dues against his property.

Estate Management Directorate-I or II shall provide the relevant information within 4 working days.

Mailing address: One Window Operations, Main CDA Secretariat, Chairman Office G7/4, Islamabad.

  • The parties can apply for urgent transfer subject to payment of Rs.10000/- as a fee in addition to the other charges.
  • In such cases, the allottee/attorney shall present the Transfer Application Form alongwith the required documents to the Assistant Director (Admitting) before 10 A.M.
  • If the documents are in order, the admitting of the transfer case shall be done on the same day before 1200 hours.
  • A.D (Admitting) shall send the file through special messenger to the concerned section of Estate Management-I or II Directorate.
  • The section shall prepare the transfer proposal and transfer letter immediately and submit to the Deputy Director who shall be competent to approve the transfer proposal.
  • The transfer letter shall be delivered by the R&I Branch of Estate Management-I or II Directorate at OWO Counter from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • If the parties don't receive the letters, these should be dispatched after one day.

  • Residential : 250/- Per Sq. Yd
  • Model Villages: 150/- Per Sq. Yd
  • Family Transfer Residential: 5,000/-
  • Family Transfer Commercial: 10,000/-

  • Application
  • Copy of NIC attested
  • Copy of Allotment Letter Attested
  • Family Transfer Commercial: 10,000/-
  • Pay Order of Rs.500/-
  • Attested Photocopy of Mortgage Deed
  • Photocopy of NOC issued by CDA for Loan

  • Application
  • Copy of NIC attested
  • Copy of Allotment Letter Attested
  • Pay Order Rs. 500/-

Documents required for Water Connection:
  • Form A-3
  • Pay Order as per size of Plot
  • Plan Approval Letter & Allotment Letter (copy attested)
  • Photocopy of NIC duly attested.
Water Billing Rates:

For Commercial Property:

  • @ Rs.3/- per sq.ft of total covered area of the building

For Residential Property:

  • Size 249 Rs.3164/-
  • Size from 250 to 499 Rs.6328/-
  • Size from 500 to 999 Rs.12654/-
  • Size from 1000 to 1199 Rs.15878/-
  • Size from 1200 to 1499 Rs.18982/-
  • Size from 1500 to 1999 Rs.22146/-
  • 2000 to above Rs.31636/-

Download the related form here

Following nature of complaints comes under the scope of Municipal Complaints addressed to Director MA, CDA, Director Sanitation, Dairector Water Supply etc.

  • Sewerage
  • Sanitation
  • Environment
  • Road Maintenance
  • Water Supply/ Tanker
  • Street Lights
Sanitation Directorate Contact Details:

G-6-1/4, Near New Aabpara Market, Islamabad : Phone:(051)9203216

Municipal Administration Directorate Contact Details:

DMA Office, Fire Head Quarters, G7/4, Islamabad : Phone:(051)9252838

E&DM Directorate Contact Details:

Fire Head Quarters Building, G7/4, Islamabad : Phone:(051)9252842 & 16

  • Receipt of water connection fee from the consumers as per demand notice.
  • Execution of formal water supply agreement in between the property owner and the Authority.
  • Documents required for water supply agreement.

    • Water supply agreement form.
    • Form A-3 along with its enclosures.
    • Copy of NIC of the applicant
    • Copy of allotment letter.
    • Copy of possession letter.
    • Copy of approval plan.
    • Copy of sewerage fee, road cut fee, water connection fee etc.
  • Issue of material for water connection like clamp, bend tee, pipe, gate valve, etc. and its endorsement on stock register.
  • Endorsement in ledger register to award ledger number.
  • Physical provision of water connection on ground.
  • Forwarding the water supply agreement documents to revenue documents CDA for water billing etc.

The application can be made on Form B1, B2 duly signed by the allottee/attorney, approved architect and structural engineer after validation from the Architecture Directorate, CDA at the Front Office, One Window Operation, CDA along with the following documents.

  • Photocopy of Form B1 and B2 along with 4 copies of completion plan as per actual construction at site.
  • Estate Management dues clearance.
  • Copy of N.I.C of Allottee or Transferee or Attorney as the case may be.
  • Dues clearance from Revenue Directorate, CDA.
  • Completion Scrutiny Fee as per rates of approval of building plans.
  • Proof of payment of Withholding Tax for non residential plots.

  • The documents entrusting title (Allotment Letter, Transfer Letter, Sub-Division Letter, CTC) are dispatched to the Allottee/Transferee through registered post or delivered personally at Estate Management Directorates after identification. The allottee may authorize his agent to collect such documents through an application attaching copies of NIC.
  • All other correspondence with the Applicants/Allottees is done through mail
  • The applicant may request for dispatch of documents through courier (subject to payment of courier charges).

  • The allotee/ attorney shall get due date from the admitting officer in OWO Directorate on presenting completed TAF (Transfer Application Form) along with required documents.
  • After giving “due date “ the Admitting Officer shall send a data form to the concerned Dy. Director in EM-1 or EM-2 at least two days before the due date. The concerned DD shall check the file and ensure that the relevant file and record is send to admitting officer 9 am on the due date.
  • The allotee/ attorney and the transferee have to appear in person on due date with their original NIC in OWO Directorate before Asstt. Director (Admitting) along with TAF and the requisite documents.
  • The parties are photographed with their signatures and thumb impressions taken in the presence of Admitting Officer after they confirm before him that the transaction has taken place as per satisfaction of both the parties.
  • After completing the formalities of admitting, the Admitting Officer shall send the file and TAF along will the documents to the accounts section for removal of bank Draft on the same day.

  • If there are more than one transferee, they can apply for their separate copies of transfer letter.
  • If one of the co-allottees wants to transfers his share, all the other co-allottees shall also have to surrender their original transfer letters so that revised letters are issued to them.